About us
At the heart of “The Modern African Community” are two visionary authors committed to empowering African communities worldwide. Meet JZK and AJ, the driving forces behind this transformative movement.
The Modern African Community
Our Vision and Approach
Driven by a shared vision of building sustainable, wealthy African communities, JZK and AJ have dedicated over a decade to researching and distilling insights into their groundbreaking book, “The Modern African Community.”
Their approach is rooted in the belief that true prosperity can only be achieved through collective empowerment and unity. By highlighting the success stories of other thriving communities worldwide and offering practical strategies tailored to the African context, they seek to empower individuals to unlock their full potential and shape a brighter future for generations to come.
Through “The Modern African Community,” JZK and AJ invite readers to join a transformative movement dedicated to redefining the African narrative and building a world where every African can thrive. It’s time to harness the power of community, embrace collective wealth, and pave the way for a future where prosperity knows no bounds. Join us on this journey of empowerment and transformation today.
Authors of The Book


An ON-CODE entrepreneur with roots in East Africa, JZK brings a wealth of experience and passion to the table. Raised in Northern Europe, his journey has been shaped by a deep-seated commitment to learning, local politics, entrepreneurship, and nation-building. With a keen eye for opportunity and a dedication to effecting positive change, JZK’s insights serve as a guiding light for those seeking to navigate the complexities of community development in the modern world.


Hailing from West Africa and enchanted by the lush-green landscapes of East Africa, AJ embodies the spirit of resilience and adaptability. As an online marketer, she leverages her expertise to amplify the message of community empowerment and collective growth. With a profound appreciation for family values, communal growth, youth empowerment, and business ownership, AJ is a driving force behind the vision of “The Modern African Community,” inspiring individuals to take ownership of their futures and shape a world where prosperity knows no bounds.
Frequently Asked Questions
JZK and AJ were inspired by their shared vision of empowering African communities worldwide. Recognizing the potential for collective growth and prosperity within African communities, they embarked on a decade-long journey of research and exploration, culminating in the creation of “The Modern African Community.” Their passion for community development and their desire to effect positive change serve as the driving forces behind this transformative book.
JZK and AJ bring a unique blend of expertise, experience, and passion to the table. With JZK’s background as an ON-CODE entrepreneur and AJ’s expertise in online marketing, they offer a multifaceted perspective on community development. Their deep-rooted commitment to family values, communal growth, and economic empowerment sets them apart as visionary leaders dedicated to reshaping the African narrative and building a brighter future for generations to come.
By delving into the pages of “The Modern African Community,” readers gain access to a wealth of insights, strategies, and practical guidance for building sustainable, wealthy African communities. Whether you’re seeking economic empowerment, entrepreneurial opportunities, or a sense of belonging within your community, JZK and AJ provide invaluable tools and resources to help you unlock your full potential and shape a future of prosperity.
There are several ways to get involved with JZK and AJ’s vision for community empowerment. You can start by purchasing a copy of “The Modern African Community” to gain deeper insights into their transformative ideas and strategies. Additionally, you can join their online platform, participate in community events, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for collective growth and empowerment. Together, we can build a stronger, wealthier future for African communities worldwide.
The Modern African Community
Unlock the Path to Empowerment
The main benefits you will get by reading this book:
Unlock the Power
of Collective Empowerment
Discover the transformative potential of collective empowerment as you delve into “The Modern African Community.” Gain invaluable insights into the principles of group economics, communal growth, and unity, and learn how to harness these forces to drive positive change within your community.
Gain Practical Strategies
for Success
Equip yourself with practical strategies and actionable insights tailored to the needs of African communities. Whether you’re seeking economic empowerment, access to exclusive opportunities, or a roadmap for building sustainable wealth, “The Modern African Community” offers tangible solutions to help you achieve your goals.
Join a Transformative
Become part of a transformative movement dedicated to reshaping the African narrative and building a brighter future for generations to come. By reading “The Modern African Community,” you’re not just gaining knowledge—you’re joining a community of like-minded individuals committed to collective growth, prosperity, and empowerment.
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